Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Am An Ass and Pumpkin Advice

So a while ago, the fabulous Kamala set up this awesome recipe section. Those who know me know how nuts I am. I have this insane gelato company, three insane kids, two insane smelly dogs (available for adoption), and one insane amazing husband (Philly, not Utah.) It was easy to ignore this fabulous link. I have stuff to do! Soccer games to attend (insert groan here)! Fruit to blend! Cows to pet! I could go on, but really, it is just a pile of excuses.

So, without further ado, I will do. I may not only give recipes, I may give you style advice. Although that is highly unlikely, but I might. In fact, I will.

See this fabulous pumpkin? I stole it from Dan's porch. See how the light moves through the pumpkin flesh? Scary! You can achieve this look by not going all the way through the pumpkin with your knife. I think we can all take a tip from Dan. It's a fabulous pumpkin and it looks fabulous on my stoop. Let's hope it makes it a few days before the squirrels and/or neighborhood kids smash it onto my neighbors stoop.